Ava Preston
Ava Preston Portrait Image
Click Above for Full-Size Image of Ava Preston in "Defiance: Well-Respected Man"

Ava Preston in "Lost Girl"
Click Above for Full-Size Image of Ava Preston in "Lost Girl"

"The Strain: Belly of the Beast" (2017/TV Series)

Video Clip: The Strain - 2:33

Odd Squad: The Movie (2016)
Anna Cathcart Millie Davis Olivia Presti - Odd Squad The Movie

Video Clip: Odd Squad The Movie - 6:39

"Reign" (TV Series)
- Season 2 Appearances (2015)

Video Clip: Reign - 7:46

"Odd Squad" (TV Series) (2014-15)

Zero Effect
Bad Luck Bears
100 Images

Oscar & Oscarbots
Picture Day
100 Images

Video 2 - 0:55

Skip Day
Great Grinaldi
85 Images

OS Saves World
80 Images

Video 6 - 2:02

Hold the Door
85 Images

Video 7 - 1:32

Trading Places &
Bad Lemonade
75 Images

Video 11 - 3:03

Captain Fun
65 Images

Video 12 - 2:30

The Girl He Met Online (2014)

"Lost Girl" (TV Series)
- Sleeping Beauty School (2013)

"Defiance" (TV Series)
- A Well-Respected Man (2013)

"The Casting Room" (TV Series)
- Ava Preston & Allana Harkin (2011)

"The Kennedys" (Mini-Series) (2011)